本頁面為《解剖學和生理學2e》的章節索引,其內容基於萊斯大學 OpenStax 的 Anatomy and Physiology 2e,由夜黎重新編輯。(根據本書前言中的創用 CC BY 4.0 聲明)
單元 1 有機體層次〔Levels of Organization〕
第1章 人體概論〔An Introduction to the Human Body〕
1.1 解剖生理學概述〔Overview of Anatomy and Physiology〕
1.2 人體的結構組織〔Structural Organization of the Human Body〕
1.3 人類生命的功能〔Functions of Human Life〕
1.4 人類生命的要求〔Requirements for Human Life〕
1.5 體內平衡〔Homeostasis〕
1.6 解剖學術語〔Anatomical Terminology〕
1.7 醫學影像〔Medical Imaging〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
章節回顧〔Chapter Review〕
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檢視問題〔Review Questions〕
批判性思維問題〔Critical Thinking Questions〕
第2章 有機體的化學水平〔The Chemical Level of Organization〕
2.1 元素和原子:物質的構件〔Elements and Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter〕
2.2 化學鍵〔Chemical Bonds〕
2.3 化學反應〔Chemical Reactions〕
2.4 對人體機能至關重要的無機化合物〔Inorganic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning〕
2.5 對人體機能至關重要的有機化合物〔Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第3章 有機體的細胞層次〔The Cellular Level of Organization〕
3.1 細胞膜〔The Cell Membrane〕
3.2 細胞質和細胞器〔The Cytoplasm and Cellular Organelles〕
3.3 細胞核和 DNA 複製〔The Nucleus and DNA Replication〕
3.4 蛋白質合成〔Protein Synthesis〕
3.5 細胞生長和分裂〔Cell Growth and Division〕
3.6 細胞分化〔Cellular Differentiation〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第4章 有機體的組織層次〔The Tissue Level of Organization〕
4.1 組織類型〔Types of Tissues〕
4.2 上皮組織〔Epithelial Tissue〕
4.3 結締組織支撐和保護〔Connective Tissue Supports and Protects〕
4.4 肌肉組織和運動〔Muscle Tissue and Motion〕
4.5 神經組織媒介感知和反應〔Nervous Tissue Mediates Perception and Response〕
4.6 組織損傷和老化〔Tissue Injury and Aging〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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單元 2 支撐與運動〔Support and Movement〕
第5章 外皮系統〔The Integumentary System〕
5.1 皮膚層〔Layers of the Skin〕
5.2 皮膚的附屬結構〔Accessory Structures of the Skin〕
5.3 外皮系統的功能〔Functions of the Integumentary System〕
5.4 外皮系統的疾病、疾患和損傷〔Diseases, Disorders, and Injuries of the Integumentary System〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第6章 骨組織和骨骼系統〔Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System〕
6.1 骨骼系統的功能〔The Functions of the Skeletal System〕
6.2 骨的分類〔Bone Classification〕
6.3 骨的結構〔Bone Structure〕
6.4 骨的形成和發育〔Bone Formation and Development〕
6.5 骨折:骨的修復〔Fractures: Bone Repair〕
6.6 鍛鍊、營養、激素與骨組織〔Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones, and Bone Tissue〕
6.7 鈣穩態:骨骼系統和其他器官系統的相互作用〔Calcium Homeostasis: Interactions of the Skeletal System and Other Organ Systems〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第7章 中軸骨骼〔Axial Skeleton〕
7.1 骨骼系統的劃分〔Divisions of the Skeletal System〕
7.2 顱骨〔The Skull〕
7.3 脊柱〔The Vertebral Column〕
7.4 胸廓〔The Thoracic Cage〕
7.5 軸向骨骼的胚胎發育〔Embryonic Development of the Axial Skeleton〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第8章 附肢骨骼〔The Appendicular Skeleton〕
8.1 肩帶〔The Pectoral Girdle〕
8.2 上肢的骨頭〔Bones of the Upper Limb〕
8.3 骨盆帶和骨盆〔The Pelvic Girdle and Pelvis〕
8.4 下肢的骨頭〔Bones of the Lower Limb〕
8.5 附肢骨骼的發展〔Development of the Appendicular Skeleton〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第9章 關節〔Joints〕
9.1 關節的分類〔Classification of Joints〕
9.2 纖維關節〔Fibrous Joints〕
9.3 軟骨關節〔Cartilaginous Joints〕
9.4 滑膜關節〔Synovial Joints〕
9.5 身體運動的類型〔Types of Body Movements〕
9.6 選定滑膜關節的解剖〔Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints〕
9.7 關節的發育〔Development of Joints〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第10章 肌肉組織〔Muscle Tissue〕
10.1 肌肉組織概述〔Overview of Muscle Tissues〕
10.2 骨骼肌〔Skeletal Muscle〕
10.3 肌肉纖維收縮和鬆弛〔Muscle Fiber Contraction and Relaxation〕
10.4 肌肉張力的神經系統控制〔Nervous System Control of Muscle Tension〕
10.5 肌肉纖維的類型〔Types of Muscle Fibers〕
10.6 運動和肌肉表現〔Exercise and Muscle Performance〕
10.7 心肌組織〔Cardiac Muscle Tissue〕
10.8 平滑肌〔Smooth Muscle〕
10.9 肌肉組織的發育和再生〔Development and Regeneration of Muscle Tissue〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第11章 肌肉系統〔The Muscular System〕
11.1 骨骼肌、它們的筋膜排列和它們的槓桿系統的相互作用〔Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle Arrangement, and Their Lever Systems〕
11.2 命名骨骼肌〔Naming Skeletal Muscles〕
11.3 頭部、頸部和背部的軸向肌肉〔Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back〕
11.4 腹壁和胸部的軸向肌肉〔Axial Muscles of the Abdominal Wall, and Thorax〕
11.5 胸帶和上肢肌肉〔Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs〕
11.6 骨盆帶和下肢的附肢肌肉〔Appendicular Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs〕
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單元 3 調節、集成和控制〔Regulation, Integration, and Control〕
第12章 神經系統和神經組織〔The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue〕
12.1 神經系統的基本結構和功能〔Basic Structure and Function of the Nervous System〕
12.2 神經組織〔Nervous Tissue〕
12.3 神經組織的功能〔The Function of Nervous Tissue〕
12.4 動作電位〔The Action Potential〕
12.5 神經元之間的交流〔Communication Between Neurons〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第13章 神經系統解剖〔Anatomy of the Nervous System〕
13.1 胚胎學觀點〔The Embryologic Perspective〕
13.2 中樞神經系統〔The Central Nervous System〕
13.3 循環和中樞神經系統〔Circulation and the Central Nervous System〕
13.4 周圍神經系統〔The Peripheral Nervous System〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第14章 軀體神經系統〔The Somatic Nervous System〕
第15章 自主神經系統〔The Autonomic Nervous System〕
15.1 自主神經系統的部門〔Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System〕
15.2 自主反射和體內平衡〔Autonomic Reflexes and Homeostasis〕
15.3 中央控制〔Central Control〕
15.4 影響自主系統的藥物〔Drugs that Affect the Autonomic System〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第16章 神經學檢查〔The Neurological Exam〕
16.1 神經系統檢查概述〔Overview of the Neurological Exam〕
16.2 精神狀態檢查〔The Mental Status Exam〕
16.3 顱神經檢查〔The Cranial Nerve Exam〕
16.4 感覺和運動檢查〔The Sensory and Motor Exams〕
16.5 協調和步態檢查〔The Coordination and Gait Exams〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第17章 內分泌系統〔The Endocrine System〕
17.1 內分泌系統概述〔An Overview of the Endocrine System〕
17.2 荷爾蒙〔Hormones〕
17.3 垂體和下丘腦〔The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus〕
17.4 甲狀腺〔The Thyroid Gland〕
17.5 甲狀旁腺〔The Parathyroid Glands〕
17.6 腎上腺〔The Adrenal Glands〕
17.7 松果體〔The Pineal Gland〕
17.8 性腺和胎盤激素〔Gonadal and Placental Hormones〕
17.9 內分泌胰腺〔The Endocrine Pancreas〕
17.10 具有次要內分泌功能的器官〔Organs with Secondary Endocrine Functions〕
17.11 內分泌系統的發育和老化〔Development and Aging of the Endocrine System〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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單元 4 流體和運輸〔Fluids and Transport〕
第18章 心血管系統:血液〔The Cardiovascular System: Blood〕
18.1 血液概覽〔An Overview of Blood〕
18.2 成型元素的生產〔Production of the Formed Elements〕
18.3 紅血球〔Erythrocytes〕
18.4 白血球和血小板〔Leukocytes and Platelets〕
18.5 止血〔Hemostasis〕
18.6 血液分型〔Blood Typing〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第19章 心血管系統:心臟〔The Cardiovascular System: The Heart〕
19.1 心臟解剖〔Heart Anatomy〕
19.2 心肌和電活動〔Cardiac Muscle and Electrical Activity〕
19.3 心臟週期〔Cardiac Cycle〕
19.4 心臟生理學〔Cardiac Physiology〕
19.4 心臟發育〔Development of the Heart〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第20章 心血管系統:血管和循環〔The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation〕
20.1 血管的結構和功能〔Structure and Function of Blood Vessels〕
20.2 血流、血壓和阻力〔Blood Flow, Blood Pressure, and Resistance〕
20.3 毛細管交換〔Capillary Exchange〕
20.4 血管系統的穩態調節〔Homeostatic Regulation of the Vascular System〕
20.5 循環通路〔Circulatory Pathways〕
20.6 血管發育和胎兒循環〔Development of Blood Vessels and Fetal Circulation〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第21章 淋巴和免疫系統〔The Lymphatic and Immune System〕
21.1 淋巴和免疫系統的解剖〔Anatomy of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems〕
21.2 屏障防禦和先天免疫反應〔Barrier Defenses and the Innate Immune Response〕
21.3 適應性免疫反應:T淋巴細胞及其功能類型〔The Adaptive Immune Response: T lymphocytes and Their Functional Types〕
21.4 適應性免疫反應:B 淋巴細胞和抗體〔The Adaptive Immune Response: B-lymphocytes and Antibodies〕
21.5 對病原體的免疫反應〔The Immune Response against Pathogens〕
21.6 與抑鬱或過度活躍的免疫反應相關的疾病〔Diseases Associated with Depressed or Overactive Immune Responses〕
21.7 移植和癌症免疫學〔Transplantation and Cancer Immunology〕
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單元 5 能源、維護和環境交換
〔Energy, Maintenance, and Environmental Exchange〕
第22章 呼吸系統〔The Respiratory System〕
22.1 呼吸系統的器官和結構〔Organs and Structures of the Respiratory System〕
22.2 肺〔The Lungs〕
22.3 呼吸的過程〔The Process of Breathing〕
22.4 氣體交換〔Gas Exchange〕
22.5 氣體運輸〔Transport of Gases〕
22.6 呼吸功能的改變〔Modifications in Respiratory Functions〕
22.7 呼吸系統的胚胎髮育〔Embryonic Development of the Respiratory System〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
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第23章 消化系統〔The Digestive System〕
23.1 消化系統概述〔Overview of the Digestive System〕
23.2 消化系統過程和調節〔Digestive System Processes and Regulation〕
23.3 口、咽和食道〔The Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus〕
23.4 胃〔The Stomach〕
23.5 小腸和大腸〔The Small and Large Intestines〕
23.6 消化中的附屬器官:肝臟、胰腺和膽囊〔Accessory Organs in Digestion: The Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder〕
23.7 化學消化和吸收:仔細觀察〔Chemical Digestion and Absorption: A Closer Look〕
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第24章 新陳代謝和營養〔Metabolism and Nutrition〕
24.1 代謝反應概述〔Overview of Metabolic Reactions〕
24.2 碳水化合物代謝〔Carbohydrate Metabolism〕
24.3 脂質代謝〔Lipid Metabolism〕
24.4 蛋白質代謝〔Protein Metabolism〕
24.5 身體的代謝狀態〔Metabolic States of the Body〕
24.6 能量和熱量平衡〔Energy and Heat Balance〕
24.7 營養與飲食〔Nutrition and Diet〕
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第25章 泌尿系統〔The Urinary System〕
25.1 尿液的物理特徵〔Physical Characteristics of Urine〕
25.2 尿液運輸的大體解剖〔Gross Anatomy of Urine Transport〕
25.3 腎臟大體解剖〔Gross Anatomy of the Kidney〕
25.4 腎臟的顯微解剖〔Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney〕
25.5 尿液形成的生理學〔Physiology of Urine Formation〕
25.6 管狀重吸收〔Tubular Reabsorption〕
25.7 腎血流量的調節〔Regulation of Renal Blood Flow〕
25.8 腎功能的內分泌調節〔Endocrine Regulation of Kidney Function〕
25.9 流體體積和成分的調節〔Regulation of Fluid Volume and Composition〕
25.10 泌尿系統和體內平衡〔The Urinary System and Homeostasis〕
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第26章 流體、電解質和酸鹼平衡〔Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance〕
26.1 體液和液體隔間〔Body Fluids and Fluid Compartments〕
26.2 水平衡〔Water Balance〕
26.3 電解質平衡〔Electrolyte Balance〕
26.4 酸鹼平衡〔Acid-Base Balance〕
26.5 酸鹼平衡紊亂〔Disorders of Acid-Base Balance〕
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單元 6 人類發展與生命的連續性
〔Human Development and the Continuity of Life〕
第27章 生殖系統〔The Reproductive System〕
27.1 睾丸生殖系統的解剖學和生理學〔Anatomy and Physiology of the Testicular Reproductive System〕
27.2 卵巢生殖系統的解剖學和生理學〔Anatomy and Physiology of the Ovarian Reproductive System〕
27.3 男性和女性生殖系統的發育〔Development of the Male and Female Reproductive〕
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第28章 發展與傳承〔Development and Inheritance〕
28.1 施肥〔Fertilization〕
28.2 胚胎發育〔Embryonic Development〕
28.3 胎兒發育〔Fetal Development〕
28.4 懷孕、分娩和分娩期間的變化〔Changes During Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth〕
28.5 嬰兒出生和出生後階段的調整〔Adjustments of the Infant at Birth and Postnatal Stages〕
28.6 哺乳期〔Lactation〕
28.7 繼承模式〔Patterns of Inheritance〕
關鍵術語〔Key Terms〕
章節回顧〔Chapter Review〕
互動鏈結問題〔Interactive Link Questions〕
檢視問題〔Review Questions〕
批判性思維問題〔Critical Thinking Questions〕